Persian dishes for Vegeters

2 recipes
Thick peach jam with ginger

When you want something gentle, but warming-a peach jam with a ginger perfectly solve this problem. Taste is perfectly balancing and complement each other. In the recipe I offer my favorite proportions, but you can change them to your taste.

Salad with strawberries, bananas and peaches

Such a fruit salad with strawberries, bananas and peaches I love to cook for breakfast. Especially the children are delighted with him. It can be supplemented with flakes or granola, pour yogurt or serve with oatmeal. A wonderful charge of vigor for the whole day!

Vegeterian dishes from peaches - recipes with photos (step by step)

Among the first and main associations with the summer and the long -awaited warm days are dishes from peaches in all their glory. Contrary to the name and a common opinion, the birthplace of fruit is China, not Persia. There are still everywhere there are ancient wild species, including high in the mountains. But in Europe the first trees really hit the Persian kingdom.

Thanks to mountainous origin, the tree adapts perfectly to any conditions, so it has rapidly spread up to the northern regions. In addition to classic varieties, hybrids are also used in peach dishes. Over the years of practice, the breeders brought so many interesting subspecies that there is not enough life to try everything.

At the same time, peach trees are one of the highest -yielding among the fruit, so their industrial cultivation was a matter of time. The main dishes from peaches are desserts, fillings and all kinds of conservation. They are rolled up to banks in the whole, lay compotes and jams, make excellent jam, marmalade and tsukata. Persians can be dried and frozen, and alcoholic beverages insist on them.