Cooking recipes for vegetarians

Chocolate mousse from avocado - sounds peculiarly and looks very unusual. But at the same time, it is original, tasty, healthy, and also the most simple dessert. So I advise you to take a chance and try at least once. You may like it too!

I propose to go through unobvious combinations and try to mix the pumpkin with a grapefruit. Sounds fantastic? But believe me, the result is worth it! This is my favorite vitamin smoothie, which I always do in the fall and winter!

For this recipe, you will need a grater for Korean carrots or a special tire. The whole secret is in the same thin cut of cabbage, carrots and cucumbers. The salad is very juicy, delicate and light.

A light salad of boiled vegetables can be prepared differently. Someone loves more salty or sharper, and someone likes just a classic recipe. I propose to try vinaigrette with green onions and garlic. It can be served with pasta, fish or meat.

Sometimes on a keto diet I really want bread to pamper yourself with a classic sandwich or toast for breakfast. With this simple recipe for my Keto-Khleb, you can not deny yourself anything!

Tasty salads are obtained only from high -quality ingredients, so always use fresh and juicy vegetables. I share my favorite salad recipe with Beijing cabbage!

Juicy and bright tsukini are great for the preparation of Korean salads. But I advise you to get a grater or shinkling in advance, which makes a thin long noodles out of vegetables. So it turns out more beautiful and tastier.

I don’t always want to turn on the oven, but your favorite potatoes can be prepared in a frying pan. It turns out to be just as tasty and with a beautiful blond crust. And whole cloves of garlic will give her a thinner and appetizing aroma!

When it comes to a festive menu, all housewives remember Korean carrots. It is not surprising - the dish is budgetary, tasty and very simple. I offer my home cooking recipe!

The vegetable salad can always be diversified by adding various ingredients to it. The chickpeas will make the salad more satisfying, as it contains protein and fiber. If the chickpeas is difficult to find, it can be replaced with boiled or canned beans.

Borshchit gas station greatly facilitates the process of cooking borsch. Having spent a little time in the fall, in winter you cook your favorite fragrant first dish in a matter of minutes. Open the jar, add to the finished broth and boil for 15 minutes. Your borsch is ready!

Somehow I did not have enough salty cucumbers, and I tried to cook vinaigrette with pickled mushrooms. It turned out even tastier than usual. Since then I have often been preparing according to this recipe. I’m even preserving mushrooms for the winter specifically for this salad!

The most difficult thing in this salad is to choose the right beautiful and high -quality fig. Its main feature is a pleasant sweet aroma. The skin should be intact, smooth and not too soft. And with arugula and Feta you should not have problems.

You won’t believe it, but according to this recipe, eggplant really turns out like a barbecue. At the same time, there is no need to wait for good weather and mess with the bonfire. Vegetables are perfectly baked in the oven. Everything is simple, fast and very tasty!

If you are interested in vegetarian recipes for desserts, pay attention to this chocolate cream. At first glance, it seems impossible to cook it without milk and eggs, but in fact there are options. And you will learn about them further!

Potatoes are in a runs-a favorite dish. It is often served separately, and is also used as a side dish for meat or fish. Everyone will cope with cooking without exception. I share a simple recipe with spices and onion powder.

Soon dinner, and you have not yet come up with a suitable dish? Maybe light stew with eggplant and tomatoes? Not troublesome, fast and very tasty. You can serve it with crackers, black bread or bread.

A fragrant apple kurd is very tasty, delicate and healthy. Kurd is perhaps one of the simplest desserts that everyone can prepare. I propose traditionally add a little cinnamon and, possibly, other spices to taste.

If you are also used to the fact that vegetable salads are cucumbers and tomatoes, this recipe will probably surprise you. The combination of broccoli with colored cabbage in orange juice will enjoy even children. And this is a great dietary dish.

Such an appetizing snack will be appropriate everywhere. Prepare a double portion, because everyone will require the supplement! In addition, pickled tomatoes are perfectly stored in the refrigerator for several days. To do this, you need a container with a densely closed lid.